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descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyPossible issue with my CMOS battery.

I recently posted on the bugs and malware forum were Belahzur has been helping me alot, however he thinks the reason for the original problem, which was Unexpected internal c-tree(R) error #7716 was down to a motherboard issue with the CMOS battery?

The error appears on the desktop everytime I start the computer, and i can never put the computer to sleep it always comes back on.

Could anyone help me or advise me on what to do.

descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.

Yeah, I Read it. Possible, i'll research and see what i can do.

descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.


descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.

It is Possibly a Motherboard Issue. Hardly Anything i Can do, not really a techy, ill see what i can do!


descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.

Well if there is anyone techy out there, because I have no idea what it means. So any help is amazing Smile...

descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.

Bump, Anymore help??

descriptionPossible issue with my CMOS battery. EmptyRe: Possible issue with my CMOS battery.

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