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descriptionNew Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 EmptyNew Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7

New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 2zfsrwp

If you have multiple Windows open and want to clear your desktop instead of click the desktop shortcut, this tutorial will show you how to.

For reference, this is the title bar:

New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 Ev40o5

To minimize all the other Windows, click and hold the Title Bar of the Window you only want open. Shake the Window to the left and right.

New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 Qs5zkz

When the Windows are minimized, let go of the left mouse button.

New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 23l4sj

To Restore the Windows, simply, shake the open Window again.
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descriptionNew Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7 EmptyRe: New Feature: Minimize Windows By Shaking a Window in Windows 7

how to use this such type of codes
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