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descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyHardrive failure?

Hey Doc, need your help. Belahzur needs help? oh my.
Laptop is giving out on me, most likely hardrive failure if I had to guess.

I get BSOD on boot as soon as I pass the welcome screen. I only have my AV (Avira) on startup, so it's not something eating the proccesser. Ran OTViewIt to get my system information.

OTViewIt Extras logfile created on: 02/05/2009 20:50:19 - Run
OTViewIt by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Documents and Settings\Christopher\Desktop
Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = NTWorkstation
Internet Explorer (Version = 7.0.5730.11)
Locale: 00000809 | Country: United Kingdom | Language: ENG | Date Format: dd/MM/yyyy

1.23 Gb Total Physical Memory | 0.85 Gb Available Physical Memory | 68.78% Memory free
1.42 Gb Paging File | 1.07 Gb Available in Paging File | 75.65% Paging File free
Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 336 672;

%SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
Drive C: | 34.32 Gb Total Space | 25.10 Gb Free Space | 73.13% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS

[ System Events ]
Error - 25/04/2009 15:17:19 | Computer Name = Belahzur | Source = System Error | ID = 1003
Description = Error code 10000050, parameter1 e2806000, parameter2 00000000, parameter3
8052ad97, parameter4 00000001.

Error - 26/04/2009 12:36:18 | Computer Name = Belahzur | Source = System Error | ID = 1003
Description = Error code 10000050, parameter1 e26f3000, parameter2 00000000, parameter3
8052ad97, parameter4 00000001.

Sorry that I can't provide any more detailed info, blue screen doesn't give me any file error of what's crashed and why, just these random parameter numbers.

I know the hardrive is only small, I do plan on getting a bigger 1TB if it is hardrive failure, but this is a validated windws, and I'd rather not lose it.

Last edited by Belahzur on 17th May 2009, 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

Try boot from a OS flash drive or live disc so you can check your HD status.

descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

Will boot normally and run chkdsk scan, then if no go, boot from my Hirens boot disc and see what I can do in that.

descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

Hello, I was out the whole day, so no time to post a reply.

The Description Error code you had is 10000050. It is caused by missing system files or broken system registry structures. This is a critical sign of an unstable system that is typically caused by improper maintenance of the computer.

RegCure should do the trick. It is a tool designed to repair code 10000050 problems & errors.

descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

I figured, that OTViewIt shows a blue screen error code. I've thought of a better solution.

Generally, Error 0x00000050 is specific to hardware . I would check the seating of all cards, and the connection of all cables. Try booting into Safe Mode to see if the system comes up.

If it does, it's most likely a bad driver. If it doesn't, system diagnostics are the thing. If your system comes with a diag, run that first. If not, UBCD:

or UBCD4Win:

should work.

The MS KB gives more information saying it's caused by a bad graphics driver.

Last, do you get any BIOS beep codes when you boot, and if you do, what are they?

descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

Fixed it I think.
Folder Locker was causing it.

Took my 1gb RAM stick out and booted with only 256mb RAM left. This time, I got another BSOD but with a .sys file in the information. I knew that file was Folder Locker, so uninstalled it and haven't had another BSOD yet. Hooray!


descriptionHardrive failure? EmptyRe: Hardrive failure?

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