Disable Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Anonymous Reporting

When you download and run the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, it silently reports back to Microsoft on what it’s done. If you don’t want it to do this, follow below instructions:

1. Open the Registry Editor by pressing Win + R keys to open a Run box. Type in regedit and click OK button.

Disable Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Anonymous Reporting GUTY6Wj

2. Navigate to:



3. Right-click in the blank area of the right-hand pane of the Registry Editor and create a new DWORD Value by selecting New -> DWORD Value.

4. Name this new DWORD Value as DontReportInfectionInformation

5. Double-click on the new DWORD value and assign it a value of 1

6. Close the Registry Editor and restart the computer.

The batch script attached to this tutorial can be use to automatically disable Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool anonymous reporting.


Disable Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Anonymous Reporting 1363
