WiredWX Christian Hobby Weather Tools
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WiredWX Christian Hobby Weather ToolsLog in


descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyI've lost Internet Explorer!

Hello all,

I was recently hired to perform call center work at home, and I am required to downgrade from IE 11 to IE 10. I tried following the steps on Microsoft's site, but I did something wrong, because when I try to install IE 10 I am informed it's already installed. I cannot find the launch icon. When I tried to reinstall 11, the launch icon no longer works. Any help you can provide will be appreciated.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

What OS are you using?

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Windows 8.1; sorry I forgot to include that.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Go to Start, All Programs and look for IE10. You will probably find it under Accessories, System Tools. If you can find it, you can create a shortcut. I really don't understand why your work site will not accept IE11.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Windows 8.1 has no start button, and the ridiculous search charm is quite pathetic.
Sorry to be so helpless; I have been using PCs for over 15 years, I've never encountered something like this. Any suggestions on other ways to locate it?

I found Internet Explorer folders under Program Files and also Program Files (x86); however the iexplore file fails to launch internet explorer.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

You can use ClassicShell to install a start button. This is what I use. Here.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Done. BTW I reinstalled IE 11, as evidently 8.1 doesn't support IE 10.

It does indeed appear now in programs, but fails to launch. At this point I just want to get IE 10 back. I use it for one podcast site in particular, and I screwed the link to that up in Firefox by subscribing to a feed. Thanks for any help in recovering ANY version of Internet Explorer.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Did you fix this? What solution did you use? If not, what more can we do to help?

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!


I ended up just doing a refresh. Lost my programs, but it wasn't too terrible. Appreciate your posting back.

descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

Thanks for letting us know! Smile...


descriptionI've lost Internet Explorer! EmptyRe: I've lost Internet Explorer!

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