WiredWX Christian Hobby Weather Tools
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WiredWX Christian Hobby Weather ToolsLog in


descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyWindows Problems ??

I thought my laptop had a virus or malware.. but it does not. I was told the following by one of your guys in the Virus department:

Maybe someone in the Operating System subforum can help you further - I´m not very good at Windows troubleshooting :p
At least be assured it is not a virus or something

I uninstalled Java Environment like I was told and tried installing the new updated. Half way through I got an error message that it could not install anyfurther. Something with Windows. My laptop has been freezing up and have to manually shut it down. Can you please advise.
Thank you in advance!

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Have you tried reinstalling Java by going to www.java.com? If so and it didn't work, what error message are you getting?

Also try going to the Java Control Panel and update from there. While in there, delete the Java Temporary Internet files under the General tab.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Thank you for offering help! Unfortunately, I can only open the Java in the control panel and when I click update it does nothing. I still have the arrow curser but it will not click on anything ... just freezes up. It seems I can get to a certain point and then it does nothing.
When in Safe Mode I can work on it but Windows will not allow me to uninstall or install updates. Not sure where to go from here. Someone please advise. I need my laptop for college. I can not shut down properly cause of this also.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Why are you concerned about Java? You don't need it on your computer unless you're visiting a web sites that require Java for additional functionality.

Are you having other problems with the computer other than not being able to install Java?

Here's a link that tells you how to remove and reinstall Java.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Yes I am having the issue of the computer freezing up when it gets to a certain point then I have to shut it down manually. It is ok in safe mode to use but it does not let me install or uninstall programs.
The guy in your virus forum said I should uninstall and install java. I was just doing what he wanted me to do.He also said there was no virus /malware and thought it was a windows troubleshooting problem and he referred me to this forum. I need to get this fixed as quick as possible cause I need it for college tomorrow. Any help is greatly appreciated!

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Let's check the hard drive for problems.

Bring up a DOS window by going to START and selecting RUN.
In the RUN text field, type in CMD and then hit the return key.

You should get a black window with white lettering. There will be a prompt ending with a > symbol.

Type in 'chkdsk /r' without the quotes. Make sure to include the space after chkdsk and before the /r.

Hit the Return key.

It should recognize your hard drive and say something like it can't check the disk now and it'll ask if you want to perform the check on restart.

Type in a Y and hit the return.

Restart your computer.

When it restarts, it should go to a blue screen with white lettering. The checking process may take a couple of hours. Just let it check the disk.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

After putting in chkdsk /r it says the following:
ACCESS DENIED as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility in elevated mode
FYI: when i start the computer it goes right to desktop. does not allow me to put the administrator name in then continue.
Not sure what I should do now... Please advise.
Now a Trojan just popped up in File C/Users/samara/AppData/Roaming/46AB9/ADD29.exe: contains Trojan program Trojan.Win32.Jorik.Gbot.rkc. My Kaspersky Int. Security is now scaning to disinfect active threats.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

The instructions I gave you were for XP. The notice you received is typical for Vista and W7. I gave instructions for XP because that's what it says as your operating system under your user ID. (Yeah - I saw your user name is Vista).

For Vista, go to All Programs and find Command Prompt. I think it located in Accessories. Right click on Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator. From there you should be able to run the chkdsk /r command.

However, it seems you've been infected. So be sure to visit the Malware forum for those folks to take a look.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

I am sorry but it is still doing the same thing. Is there anything else I can do ?

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Well that rules out the hard drive.

A bad memory board can cause this problem. If your computer had two memory boards, remove one and see if the problem persists. Your computer will run slower with one less memory card.

Note: When removing and replacing the memory board, be careful not to zap the memory module by ESD (Electrostatic Discharge). Make sure that you touch a metal part of the computer before removing and replacing the card. If you have a anti-static wriststrap, please use it. Don't wear poly clothes, wear only cotton.

You mentioned that the problem isn't there when booting to Safe Mode. Try turning some startup items OFF using msconfig.

To get to msconfig: Hold the Windows key and tap the letter R. Type in msconfig in the text field and hit the Enter key (or click OK). Look under the Startup tab and uncheck everything that's not needed. This usually means you can uncheck everything except your antivirus and malware protection.

Also, look under the Services tab. Click the Hide Microsoft items. Uncheck everything that's not needed there also.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Thank you for your reply. At this time the laptop just starts up and gets to a certin point and freezes at that one page. I can not go any further. The mother board is out of my league to do. I will have to find someone to look at that if you are sure that is the problem. Is there any senior techs that you can maybe ask please or send me to? I just want to get this taken care of quickly since I have 3 papers due before Thanksgiving break! I thank you for your all your help already.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

In post 5 you mentioned that it is OK in Safe Mode. If you can get to Safe Mode, you can turn off some startup items as I outlined in post 10.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Turned off the start up items and the service items as requested. I started it up normally and it seems to be working but it does not allow me to open a web site. I am on the internet but all the addresses are invalid. I must have unchecked something. Please advise.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

Correct - you shouldn't be able to get onto the web when booting to Safe Mode. If you have a wired connection, you can boot to Safe Mode with Networking and that would allow you web access.

So - it's working OK with some of the startup items turned off. You have to do some work here. Turn those items back on, one-by-one, or in groups until you find the one that's causing the problem.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

I am going through each start up item and check them off to see if I can get back on on the internet. What I notice is that I am connected to the internet but it says that I can not open an internet page. Could that be from the 2 trojans that were found.....not opening up a web page or is it from a start up item or service that needs to be turned backed on? Thanks.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

If you started using Safe Mode with networking, you should be able to load web pages.

Try going to Google and do a search.

descriptionWindows Problems ?? EmptyRe: Windows Problems ??

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