WiredWX Christian Hobby Weather Tools
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descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

I have a specified LAN adaptor for my TV which I've entered the encryption code. Which was allowed. My TV tells me i'm connected,but when I click on it it say's it can't be found.

I've tried many avenues to fix this but still no results.

Do I have to "pair" up my TV to my modem/computer?

How do I fix this problem?

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

TV is a Panasonic TH-P50V20 and the modem is a Belkin F1pi242EGau

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Make sure you put that code in correctly. If it's in correctly and still not connecting, I'd suggest removing TEMPORARILY the security on your router to see if you can connect.

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Are you able to possibly tell me how to do that exactly?

Because the code that I got to work, is a code that I thought wasn't a code.

I thought that I would type in the security code, as if I was connecting my laptop to the modem.

But trying this, it didn't work.

The code I used, which I found in the modem setting is found under

Then is has four box which say's "Key 1" "Key 2" "Key 3" & "Key 4"
There is only a code in "Key 1" The rest are reacurring 0's.

Hopefully this baffle makes sense.
If you can help me? "great" if you can't? could you help me to understand the concept of LAN

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On the term LAN (Local Area Network) it referrs to the network created by your router. It allows more than one device to connect to the Internet and to communicate with each other. The router typically has four Ethernet ports which you can connect your computer and other network-capable devices to.

They usually also have a radio transmitter/receiver which allow wireless connections. When referring to the wireless connection, the term WLAN is used.

I checked Panasonic's site for your TV. It has a LAN connection as opposed to a WLAN. That means you're connecting to your router with an Ethernet cable which looks like a fat phone cable.
* Is that correct - you connect your TV to the router with a cable? *

If you're connecting via LAN, the code that you used won't work because that code is for the Wirelsss LAN (WLAN). How many digits are in the code? Are they all numbers and letters in the range A, B, C, D, E. F?

If you go thru the Panasonic network setup, is there an option to select DHCP? If so, give that a try. When using DHCP, you shouldn't have to do anything on your own. All the setup is coordinated by the router and your TV.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

The code I used was a 10 digit code which only consist of numbers.

The panasonic adaptor has a "mac address". I was wondering if I needed to add this into the router/computer.

The TV isn't connected by any Ethernet cable. I thought that was the job of the adaptor. Meaning I thought it was a wireless gizzmo gadget.

The tv is trying to connect to computer,but when I press to connect it keeps say "Connection Failed" so I was wondering do I need to add the "mac address" for it to pair up? If yes is that added to the router or computer?

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My computer is connected to my modem, but only by having the security password to the internet.

I haven't added any MAC or IP address into the modem.

Could this be the problem?

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Sorry I missed the part about a LAN adapter. Is this an adapter that allows you to connect wirelessly? Can you please tell me about this adapter - make and model number?

Have you tried connecting the TV directly to the router without the adapter?

When you can't get a wireless connection to work, I like to remove the wireless security because that is sometimes an issue. Especially if you can connect, but don't have Internet access. If that doesn't work, I then like to connect with a wire.

The MAC address shouldn't be required unless you've added MAC filtering on your router. MAC address is the hard-coded physical address of the adapter and it not normally required when setting up a network. If you've gone into the router and added MAC filtering, then you need to add the MAC address of your adapter to the router's MAC table. Most people don't set up MAC filtering.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Ok this is what I've come up with.

The LAN adapter ia a Panasonic DYWL10EK Wireless LAN Adaptor.
From a little forum reading. Someone was saying that the range of this adaptor is 10 feet. I will try and see if this is true as soon as I can.

Now being the amauter that I am. I've found my TV won't say "connected" unless my laptop has been turned on.
But the encryption code that I used to connect the tv, was a ten digit code consisting only of numbers was found on my router. I really dont know what this code is for.
All I can tell you is, in my router,there is
wireless/security, on this page it has four boxes "Key 1 - 4. (don't know what this code is for?)
From my trial and error attempts. I'm guessing my computer is somehow not connected to my tv, but my tv is connected to my router.

Boy the more I think about it the more confussing it gets.

I haven't tried connecting the tv to my router without the adapter.

You suggest remove the wireless security? How would I do this exactly? I'm guessing it would be in the router?

If you can let me know your thoughts great.
I'm gonna go try somethings. I'll let you know how I go.

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No change from after trying many ways

Moved modem closer- No change although signal was stronger.
Started from scratch and went through the whole process for installing the LAN which ended up with the same result.

I'm now thinking that maybe my computer doesn't have the appropriate software.

So not having any software given at the time of purchase for the tv and LAN adapter. May cause a bit of grief.

Will try and find whether I need any software.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

I looked up your adapter. It's a simple USB Wireless network adapter. If you put the correct 10 digit code from your router in the setup on the TV, it should work. The fact that it says you're connected, but you can't get anywhere points to a problem with the password.

btw: when you try to connect, where are you going, Netflix or something like that? I'm not familiar with TV's that have built in networking.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Not sure what the code is that I entered. If you would like to have a look at what type the code might be check out this website

www.belkin.com/support/dl/f1pi242exau%20manual.pdf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://cache-www.belkin.com/support/dl/f1pi242exau%20manual.pdf

Page 39 or if you are scrolling down the page using adode reader it would be page 21/55. You'll need to inlarge the screen to see what I mean

On this page there are four seperate boxes saying "key 1" - "key 4"

this is the code in which I entered.

If you could tell me what this code is I would appreciate it


descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Good place to look. I think you have the right code because in post 9 you mentioned that the code was 10 digits and only numbers.

Your router comes with the capability to install security on the wireless network so that the casual passer-by can't hop onto your network. It has a varitey of methods available: WPA/WPA2, WPA2 only, WPA only, WEP and of course you can disable the security. All this is shown on p39 (p21 of the pdf).

WEP security (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is the easiest to use (and btw, the least secure - but that's better than nothing). It comes in two flavors, 64 and 128 bit. If using 64-bit and using HEX, the code would be 10 digits long and can only use the numbers 0-9 and the letters A, B, C, D, E, F.

So this is the code to enter into your wireless adapter to access your wireless network.

Looking at p 39, you probably have
WEP checked
HEX checked
Key Provisioning - static
Default key = 1

If you can't get things working, how about removing security for a test? This is done by selecting DISABLED on the security page. After doing that, you probably have to go back to the TV adapter page and seach for the network. No password is required when the security is disabled.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

I think I may have found the problem.

Reading through the manaul of the TV is says

The DLNA control funtion of Windows 7 is not supported with this TV

I'm running windows 7.

Could this be the problem?

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I'm not familiar with DLNA. I'll have to do some reading up on it.

What do you think of some the suggestions I put forth in post 13?

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Yeah tried disabling security- no change

Not sure what else you mean in post 13

I'm already running on all of those.

Are you suggesting to change them?
I've already tried changing them- no change.

I'm not sure what DLNA code is. From what I've read it's an international code of some sort. What it does exactly? I'm not quite sure.

I think it could well be this code.

Just for the simple fact that I can connect. Beause it tells me.
Plus come to think of it, it could be the reason for some other problems for which I'm having.
When I connect my computer with a VGA chord. The computer works.
But when trying to get the sound through the TV, it doesn't work which ever way I try.
I followed the directions in the TV manual and nothing.
I've tried a HDMI chord and that doesn't help either, actually it doesn't register.

It's a bit drama, considering this computer and the Tv where brought brand new less than 6 months ago. It should be click and go. If only it where that simple.

Thanks for your help though.
I'm gonna go do some reasearch this DLNA stuff.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

When I connect my computer with a VGA chord. The computer works.
But when trying to get the sound through the TV, it doesn't work which ever way I try.

You won't get sound from a VGA cable. VGA cables carry only video. You'll need to use the audio out (headphone out) connector on your computer and connect it to an audio input on the TV or another set of speakers. See page 66 of the TV manual.

HDMI cables on the other hand do carry both sound and video. If you're not getting the sound, you may have to mess with a sound setting on your computer.

Can you try a wired connection? See page 53, example 1 of the manual.

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Yeah got a bit lost in the translation.

I did actually connect the computer with the audio out, like the manaul said.

At a bit of a dead end now. After a game of back and forth.

made contact with the company of tv maufacturer which ended up me needing to talk to the router company. In reply, "were not familar with the terms used (which was DLNA code) and that they had very little experience with connecting tv's to routers due to it being new technology.
So may need to find a good computer tech who knows what they are talking about.
Or maybe need to find someone with the same kind of setup, and try and reslove it that way.
Otherwise I'm at the end of my knowledge of computer technology. Will figure it out one way or another.
Thanks for your guys help and suggestions

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Yes - please send me one of those TV's and I will definately figure it out Big Grin .

I don't think the DLNA has anything to do with the connection. DLNA is a digital living room feature. You're going to need the connection before even attempting using DLNA. What do you need DLNA for?

Are you not going to try connecting with a wire as shown on p53, example 1 of the manual?

descriptionLAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet EmptyRe: LAN adaptor for TV can't connect to internet

Sorry been a while since I last was online.

No I wasn't trying to connect with a wire. I was trying to connect by wireless. What I brought from panasonic was a "wireless LAN adapyor"

I've had my computer wired to the router and still no luck that way either.

It seems to be fairly new to the australian market, because no one seems to know much about them.

Will have to wait and see. There's not to much more I can do now, will have to speak to a tech about it.

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