Facebook recently announced a "Hackamonth" initiative to encourage engineers to spend time on side projects, but one designer outside of Facebook wants to add his input, too. Enter "Yo Zuck! Implement This," a new blog that dreams up Facebook features that don't exist yet--most, extremely practical ones, too--and works them into convincing-looking mockups.

Yo Zuck--a reference, of course, to Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg--is the project of Youssef Sarhan, a Dublin-based designer who tweets at the enviably short username @ys. Among the suggestions that have been posted so far have been drag-and-drop group chat, something that could actually give Facebook Chat a leg up on rival instant-messaging clients; a browser bar for easy access to Facebook sharing; and a "translate" option for a quick translation of an item posted in another language.

More: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20058394-36.html
