Never mind Mac OS X, and forget about future iterations of the Apple TV as a video game console--the iPod touch is Apple's game platform. That's Apple's message from the stage of its press event in San Francisco on Wednesday.

The "Rock & Roll" event totaled about an hour and a quarter, and 20 minutes of that were dedicated to showing off the iPod touch's proclivity as a gaming platform. Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller started off the game segment by repeating a quote offered by Arik Hesseldahl of BusinessWeek: "Apple could be on the cusp of claiming the crown as the world's leader in handheld gaming."

You'd be wrong to assume that Hesseldahl's comment--which came in a November 2008 editorial--is more moon-eyed Apple fanaticism from an easily swayed tech journalist. In context, Hesseldahl is comparing sales of iPhones and iPod touches to Nintendo's DS handheld system. In sheer volume, Apple is doing very well--the company has been selling tens of millions of units. And that pace hasn't slowed down since last autumn. Of course, not every iPhone or iPod touch is being used for games. But each of them is capable.

