How to Disable Location Tracking in Windows 10
Windows 10 includes a whole bunch of new privacy settings, all are important in their own right, but perhaps none so much as the location settings. Some apps need to know when you’re in a specific location to work correctly. Windows 10 location service does tells your apps and services where you are or where you’ve been, so that you can get info more relevant to you.

How to Disable Location Tracking in Windows 10 NcRoQ8c

You can now disable location either globally, so it is disabled for all user accounts on that device, or individually, meaning each user can set their own location settings.

First, open up the Settings in Windows 10 and click on the Privacy group. To turn off location just for that account, you can click the button under "Location service" to Off.

How to Disable Location Tracking in Windows 10 RWwFtEu

The setting for all users on your PC is right at the top where you see a gray button called Change. It probably says "Location for this device is on," which means every user can use location services on this PC. Click Change and a little panel pops-up with a slider you can move to off. Doing that stops every user account on the computer from using location services.

How to Disable Location Tracking in Windows 10 SUo6KmP