Advanced Micro Devices has demonstrated its twelve-core microprocessors operating in a 4-way server just days after it said it would start selling six-core chips in May, 2008. Thanks to multi-chip-module nature of the code-named Magny-Cours processor, creation of such chip was a relatively easy challenge.
AMD Opteron 6000-series code-named Magny-Cours with twelve processing engines will be released in the first quarter of 2010, according to some reports. However, already now AMD can demonstrate the chip to public and customers to show off its benefits compared to competing platforms and technologies.
AMD Opteron 6000-series code-named Magny-Cours with twelve processing engines will be released in the first quarter of 2010, according to some reports. However, already now AMD can demonstrate the chip to public and customers to show off its benefits compared to competing platforms and technologies.