Finalist picks delayed as Google says more time needed to sift through 150,000 ideas

So many ideas to change the world -- and so little time.

To mark its 10th anniversary last September, Google Inc. launched a search to find the best ideas for projects that can "change the world by helping as many people as possible." Known as Project 10^100 (pronounced 10 to the 100th), the initiative called for ideas to be submitted until last Oct. 20. After that, the company said it would post what it determined to be the top 100 ideas by today. Those projects would be eligible to receive funds out of $10 million pool set up by Google.

However, Google now says that it received so many ideas that it can't review them all and complete a list of finalists by today, said Andy Berndt, managing director of the Google Creative Lab in a blog post.

"The response we received has wowed and humbled us," wrote Berndt. "People sent in over 150,000 ideas, with submissions in all of the 25 languages for which we had a submission form. All of this reviewing and sorting has kept Googlers around the world quite busy."
