How to Fix Code 31 Error in Device Manager

The Code 31 error will almost always display in the following way:

How to Fix Code 31 Error in Device Manager MdsC0R9

A Code 31 error is caused by any number of reasons that prevents Windows from loading the driver for the particular hardware device.

How to Fix a Code 31 Error

1. There is always the remote possibility that the Code 31 error you're seeing was caused by some temporary issue with Device Manager. If so, a simple reboot might fix the Code 31.

2. Update the drivers for the device. Installing the latest manufacturer supplied drivers for a device with the Code 31 error is a likely fix for this problem.

3. Did you install a device or make a change in Device Manager just before the Code 32 error appeared? If so, it's likely that the change you made caused the Code 32 error. Undo the change if you can, restart your computer, and then check again for the Code 31 error.

4. Roll back the driver to a version prior to your update.

5. Use System Restore to undo recent Device Manager related changes.

6. Delete the UpperFilters and LowerFilters Registry Values.

How to Fix Code 31 Error in Device Manager QZ6uEvC

A few of the more common Device Manager error codes that are often caused by UpperFilters and LowerFilters issues include Code 19, Code 31, Code 32, Code 37, Code 39, and Code 41.

Removing the UpperFilters and LowerFilters values in the Windows Registry is easy.

1. Press the How to Fix Code 31 Error in Device Manager 7W6b39o keys to open Run box, then type regedit in the Run box. This will open Registry Editor.

2. Expand the "folders" until you reach the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class registry key.

3. Tap or click on the > or + icon next to the Class key to expand it. You should see a long list of subkeys open up under Class that look something like this: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.

Each 32-digit subkey is unique and corresponds to a particular type, or class, of hardware in Device Manager.

4. Determine the Correct Class GUID for the Hardware Device. Using this list, find the correct Class GUID corresponding to the type of hardware that you're seeing the Device Manager error code for. For example, let's say your DVD drive is showing a Code 39 error in Device Manager. According to the list above, the GUID for CD/DVD devices is 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318.

Once you know this GUID, you can continue to Step: 5.

5. Click the registry subkey corresponding to the device's Class GUID that you determined in the last step.

6. In the results that appear on the window on the right, locate the UpperFilters and LowerFilters values.

 If you don't see either registry values listed, this solution isn't for you.

7. Right-click onUpperFilters and choose Delete.

8. Repeat Step: 7 with the LowerFilters value.

9. Close Registry Editor.

10. Restart your computer.

11. Check to see if deleting the UpperFilters and LowerFilters registry values solved your problem.

As a last resort, you might need to replace the hardware that has the Code 31 error.

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