How to Block Installation of Apps from Outside the Windows Store in Windows 10

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft is introducing a lots of new features. One of these new additions is the ability to have more granular control over the kind of apps you install on your PC.

This new feature that lets you block apps and programs from anywhere but the Windows Store.

For anyone managing a family computer with only one user account it could be a helpful feature to prevent unwanted programs sneaking onto the PC.

To get started, open the Start Menu > Settings > Apps.

How to Block Installation of Apps from Outside the Windows Store in Windows 10 40yZmEU

Right at the top of the screen, you’ll see a drop-down menu under Installing apps. There are three choices, all of which are pretty straightforward.

Choose the option you want and close the Settings app. Your changes are saved automatically.

That’s all there is to the new feature. It’s not a perfect solution if you’re trying to prevent third-party app downloads, but as a general reminder to everyone that they shouldn’t be installing programs, it can be helpful.