How to Increase Taskbar Transparency via the Registry in Windows 10
Even with Windows 10 transparency enabled, however, the effect on the desktop taskbar is minimal at best, with very little translucency to reveal the user’s wallpaper or apps positioned beneath it. Luckily, there is a hidden option in Windows 10 to increase the translucency of the taskbar, and here’s how it works.

1. Launch the Registry Editor by clicking on Start and typing Regedit.

2.  From the Windows Registry Editor, use the hierarchical list on the left side of the window to navigate to:



How to Increase Taskbar Transparency via the Registry in Windows 10 A65blaq

3. Select the “Advanced” key on the left of the window, right-click in an empty portion of the right side of the window and select New > DWORD (32-bit) value and name the new value as UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency.

How to Increase Taskbar Transparency via the Registry in Windows 10 AgRKH8r

4. Double-click on UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency value and, in the box that appears, set its Value Data field to the number one (1). Click OK button and then close the Registry Editor.

5. Right-click on an empty space at your Desktop and select Personalize from context menu.

6. From the Personalization section of Settings, click Colors.

How to Increase Taskbar Transparency via the Registry in Windows 10 0ZbIQvr

7. Finally, from the Colors window, enable Transparency effects.

How to Increase Taskbar Transparency via the Registry in Windows 10 GpNqK3C

The result of the increased taskbar transparency will vary depending on your accent color choice and desktop wallpaper image, but you should see a small but noticeable decrease in opacity, removing a potential visual distraction for some users and allowing you to more clearly enjoy your desktop wallpaper image from edge to edge of your display.

If you don’t like this new “high transparency” look, just head back to the same Registry Editor location identified above, double-click on the UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency value, and change the “1” (one) back to the default “0” (zero).

With the help of the batch script attached to this tutorial, you can increase the transparency level of Windows 10 Taskbar.

If you want to restore Taskbar default transparency level in future just type N letter and press Enter key.