How to Identify Parts Inside Your Computer

Sometimes you need more detailed information especially about your type of video card, for instance, or perhaps your DVD drive’s make and model.

Windows burps up this type of information when you prod further, as described below.

1. Click the Start Menu, right-click the Computer icon, and choose Properties.

Choosing Properties unleashes the System Properties dialog box.

2. Click the Device Manager in the task pane along the window’s left.

The Device Manager dialog box jumps to the screen, displaying your computer’s parts. When first opened, the Device Manager lists the parts found in a typical computer: the display adapter, for example, monitor, keyboard, and disk drives. The next step shows how to reveal the exact brand and model of those parts living in your computer.

In Windows XP, fetch the Device Manager by clicking the Hardware tab, and clicking the Device Manager button.

3. To see the make and model of a specific part, click the little triangle to the left of its name.

For example, to see what type of video card sits inside your computer, click the tiny icon next to Display Adapters — the Windows term for a computer’s video circuitry.

How to Identify Parts Inside Your Computer OCHx8Zl

As you can see, the name of your video card’s model and manufacturer appear, invaluable information when the part stops working. Armed with that information, for example, you can search for updated drivers.

To see even more information about that part, double-click its name, and a window appears. Click that window’s Driver tab to see the manufacturer, date, and version number of the currently installed driver — essential information when you’re troubleshooting a part’s driver.

When a particular part stops working, look for its make and model in the Device Manager. Then head to the manufacturer’s Web site and download that part’s latest driver.