Found your site in a google search result when looking for information.
I am currently employed as a Customer Service Representative (Helpdesk) for a small family owned (not my family) telecommunication company. We currently provide dial up, DSL, Wireless, Cable Modem, and Fiber Optic internet to a very rural area in Northwest Minnesota. When I started doing the 'helpdesk' all we had was dial up with window 95/98, ME and some 2000 (and windows 3.x which was foreign to me).
Although I do customer service for a helpdesk, I am not a computer geek. I only help with internet/email. If their problem is with their operating system or browser or router, etc. I direct them elsewhere or help them bypass the router. I will help with the basic/obvious things with wifi connection, but beyond that if they can't connect to their network, I give them the option of bypassing the router.
I will bookmark this website and friend/like you on facebook. I am sure you will be a good resource for me! I am very spoiled, I work from home! Thanks for being here and making me feel welcome.