Glasses-free 3D TVs (also known as "autostereoscopic TVs") are practically the flying cars of CES—everyone wants them, but they never seem to make it to market. Here's a rundown on the state of glasses-free 3D TV, and a list of the companies to look out for over the next year.

Glasses-free 3D: The background
Ask your Average Joe consumer when they plan on buying a 3D TV, and the answer is typically something like "3D? Yeah, right. Not until they lose those dumb glasses." Ask your friendly neighborhood TV manufacturer when glasses-free 3D TVs will hit the market, and the answer is typically "Five to ten years", which in tech-speak translates to "I have no idea". That doesn't stop TV manufacturers from showing off prototype glasses-free 3D TVs, mind you; they just never seem to be anywhere close to market.
