Batten down the hatches! Better yet, unplug your Mac and run for the hills! Intego, purveyor of internet security and privacy software for the Mac, reports that a new variant of malware--the intimidatingly-named HellRTS--has been spotted in the vast untamed reaches of the Internet.

But before you panic, let's take stock of the facts. First, there certainly is bad news. Intego says that HellRTS--which was first discovered in 2004--recently received some nefarious upgrades: The malicious software can now open a "backdoor" to your Mac by setting up its own server on a private port, complete with a password. The software duplicates and changes its name, identifying itself as other genuine Mac software (like "iPhoto"), making it even harder to spot. The new HellRTS variant can contact remote servers, and then, Intego says, "provide direct access to [the] infected Mac."

