A few months back, I searched high and low for a few decent Mac games in preparation for a series of long flights and found myself looking at titles that were long surpassed by their PC brethren. Titles for the Mac are a dismal representation of what's going on in gaming.

But it looks as if that's about to change.

Doug Lombardi, Valve's VP of developer marketing, confirmed to MacNewsNetwork that the company is planning to port some of its most popular games to the Mac. And while details remain thin, most in the gaming community view this as a positive step.

Valve has a number of extremely popular games including Left 4 Dead and the Portal and Half-Life series. One of the teaser images released by Value makes reference to Apple's "Get a Mac" ads. Standing in the place of PC and Mac are the turrets from Portal and Team Fortress 2, suggesting that these will be two of the first games to be ported.

More: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10463650-62.html