The folks over at NewsGator sure are busy, er, gators these day. When last we heard from the makers of news reader NetNewsWire, they were offing their own online news reader service in favor of syncing with Google Reader; the change, which came in a beta version of NetNewsWire 3.2, rubbed some the wrong way. Now the company has released both the final version of 3.2 as well as a new 2.0 iteration of its companion iPhone app.

In addition to the new Google Reader syncing features, the final version of NetNewsWire 3.2 fixes a number of bugs and adds other features, such as support for Web service Instapaper and the ability to easily create Twitter search feeds. Articles that are flagged in NetNewsWire now sync with starred items in Google Reader and vice versa, and the final version has returned the earlier version's suppot for both nested folders and clippings (though the latter doesn't sync yet).

