It's that time again. Apple has distributed electronic invites to notify all the cool kids that a major company event is being held in San Francisco tomorrow.

The invites feature Apple's trademark dancin', silhouetted iPod dudes/dudettes with the message "It's only rock and roll, but we like it."

In typical Apple camp fashion, oodles of speculation sprang forth from journalists, analysts and others immediately after the news of the event hit the Web, all with verifying levels of believability. For instance, some folks said Apple could finally be ready to release its Mac tablet, or "iPad" (not at all likely); Cupertino could be unveiling a new version of iTunes (likely); iPod touch devices could get 3.2 megapixel cameras (very likely); and Apple might finally decide to bring CEO Steve Jobs back on stage for the first time at a major event since his extended medical leave (almost guaranteed).

