It is hard--make that impossible--to recommend that Windows XP users upgrade to Windows 7. Especially when the new OS really wants a clean installation, goodbye apps, goodbye drivers, goodbye hours of people's time. RTM or not, Win7 isn't any closer to many users' PCs, including most of mine.

I'd hoped the clean install "feature" of Win7 would have been lost between the previews and release-to-manufacturing. Microsoft doubtless has sound technical reasons for not installing Win7 over XP. I just hope they aren't counting on many upgrades. (Greg Keizer describes upgrading in this piece, which soft-pedals the challenges just a bit).

Win7 does install over Vista without problems, which may be the only good thing many people will ever hear about the troubled OS. Sadly, it's really the XP users who benefit from Win7. If you're still using Vista, you've probably gotten over it by now.

