iPhone 3G S hits stores Friday: Will the crowds follow? Iphone10
iPhone 3G buyers line up on launch day last year.
(Credit: James Martin/CNET)

Despite the intense amount of interest in Apple's third-generation iPhone, this Friday's launch of the device may not bring out the hordes of Apple fans like it has in years past.

The first days that the original iPhone was on sale in June 2007 (and the iPhone 3G last July), lines at Apple and AT&T stores across the country snaked around city blocks, filled with both newbies and Apple's most loyal customers anxious to be the first to get their hands on the much-anticipated smartphones. Some of the most ardent iPhone devotees camped overnight to be first in line. And, as a result, the launches were always accompanied by a media frenzy.

More: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10267025-37.html?tag=nl.e703


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iPhone 3G S hits stores Friday: Will the crowds follow? Lambo-11

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