Make Bing a search option, or even the default, in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari

Microsoft may have seemingly jumped the gun on Bing, the new search engine it unveiled to the public yesterday, but clearly it planned the early launch.

For proof, you need look no further than the Bing search add-on for Internet Explorer (IE) Microsoft posted yesterday. Or for that matter, a similar Bing-specific add-on for IE's biggest rival, the open-source Firefox from Mozilla. Which also hit the street Monday.

Switching search engines in your browser-of-choice isn't tough if you've done it before, but for first-timers, it can be hard to figure out where to start. We'll walk you through the process for IE and Firefox, the browsers that, like it or not, account for 88% of those in use last month, and the also-rans, Chrome and Safari.



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