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Internet & Networking Technical Support
The Internet & Networking section is dedicated to providing technical support to members who experience problems or require help with Internet & Networking. Includes wireless, networking, web browsing, e-mail, and other internet related programs and utilities.

Software Technical Support
The Software section is dedicated to providing technical support to members who experience problems or require help with software errors and other third party applications, like games or Microsoft Office. Questions posted here should not be Operating System specific.

Hardware Technical Support
The Hardware section is dedicated to providing technical support to members who experience problems or require help with computer related hardware like hard drives, motherboards, graphics cards, CPUs, RAMs, optical drives etc. Or if you simply want a hardware recommendation or require help on building a new computer, you may post here.

Operating System Technical Support
The Operating System section is dedicated to providing technical support to members who experience problems or require help with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10; Linux, and Mac Operating Systems. Topics posted here should not be software specific.

Posting Etiquette
When posting a new question, please enter a subject title which is descriptive of the problem or question that you have. For example, do not write something like "I need Help!!", instead write "Internet Limited Connectivity". These descriptive titles will allow people to help you better by knowing the specific problem that you are having.

Members Giving Support
Whilst we welcome any member to offer their support in the forums, we ask that you refrain from posting unless you have some particular knowledge or certain abilities in the area concerned. No useless answers or 'unrelated' guesswork. Genuine attempts at support are needed and we also understand that no one is correct all the time.

No Replies For 2 Days
Here on GeekPolice, we always try to answer your questions and get to your problem as fast as we can with solid advice. You can expect to get a response or answer from a staff on the very day you post the question. If your topic has not been replied to within 2 days or 48 hours, we might have missed it out. Reply to your topic saying "bump".

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PC Technical Support (Read Me) Lambo-11

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