How to Create a Solid Backup Strategy
How to Create a Solid Backup Strategy S0Q5HiZ

Creating a solid backup strategy is easier than you think. Backups aren't much utilize in the event that you aren't doing them all the time. How regularly you should backups relies upon your own circumstance. A few people just waste time with backups on a week after week or month to month premise, while any individual who's making new records every day will need to back up hourly or toward the finish of every day, depending on how mission critical your files are.

It doesn't matter which interval you choose as long as it's designed to cache as many new files as possible before your internal hard drive goes offline for good.

Once you've decided on an interval, it's time to create two backups. That way you have three copies of your data: the internal working copy, an external local backup, and an offsite backup.

Figuring out a local backup is easy. All you need is an external hard drive and your backup utility of choice. As for the offsite backup, this is where most people fall short even though it's the most critical part of your backup strategy. You want an offsite backup in case your home is robbed, burns down, or falls victim to a natural disaster like a flood, forest fire, or tornado. The easiest strategy for offsite is to use a paid cloud backup service. For anyone with concerns about data security, many cloud backup services (including the two aforementioned ones) allow you to encrypt your data before uploading it with a key that only you know.

How to Secure Your Cloud Storage

Finally, try to automate every part of the backup strategy that you can. The more invisible your backups are, the better, since you've got more important things to do than worry about the state of your files.

Cloud services take care of automation for your offsite backup, and many local backup programs have a similar feature or a scheduler to decide what time of day to run the local backup. Just remember to have your hard drive plugged in when it's go time—a calendar reminder can take care of that for you.

Follow these three rules and you'll be well on your way to peace of mind and a solid backup strategy.

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