Due to our mitigation of spam, please keep in mind that you may not add a signature until you have reached at least 25 posts. When you reach 25 posts, your account will automatically be placed into our Civilian group, which makes you a verified member of our community. At this time, you may proceed to add a signature.

When you are trying to get your first 25 posts, please be courteous, and actually post quality content. Spam will not be tolerated, and you may receive warnings for posting spammy or unhelpful content. Posting only a few words in many of your posts will be noticed by our staff and may prevent you from reaching your 25 posts guideline, or we may remove your ability to add a signature.

In order to Private Message someone on the forums, you must have at least one post on the forums.

to insert into signatures:
Signature & PM Guidelines + Userbars 1376



Signature & PM Guidelines + Userbars 2158

