But it skips offering SMB patch because it's not critical

Microsoft Corp. today issued its first patch for the just-released Windows 7 beta, but it passed on plugging a hole in an important file-sharing protocol that it fixed in older versions of the operating system.

Earlier today, Windows Update, Microsoft's primary update service, began delivering the first patch to Windows 7 since the company struggled to launch the public beta last Friday. The update fixes a flaw that shaves several seconds of audio from any MP3 file that's edited, including files modified automatically as users connect to the Internet.

"Without action on your part, all MP3 files that have large headers in your Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center libraries are likely to lose some audio," Microsoft said in the support document it published Saturday, several days after it first posted the fix to its MSND and TechNet subscription services.

Before today, users who wanted to apply the fix had to find it, download it manually and install it themselves.

More: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9125860&source=NLT_PM


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Microsoft issues first Windows 7 beta patch Lambo-11

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