Hello guys,

I am new to this forum, but found it using the Forumotion Support Forum. I have to admit I do like the looks of it here, and plan to stay and be more active. ;)

Today, I have two questions. Any answers, or help would be amazing!

1) I made a email using the admin panel mailbox for my domain.

However, im trying to figure out how to make it where if we get a new member the email sent wont be from member@forumotion.com but the email I made?

I went to email settings to change it to the email I made but it says "So that the sending of e-mail works correctly, the e-mail used for the forum must be valid.".

2) I made the Facebook app, and activated all the Facebook things. However, when you click log in on my site using Facebook it will say "Invalid Argument given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration."

How to fix this?



Facebook error message, and replacing email?  KidCudiwithcoolbackground