Apple has just unveiled the iPad 2 and there is likely to be a rush to buy the new tablet when it becomes available. However, this new arrival has highlighted the security risks of owning multiple mobile devices.

Losing an iPad, or other mobile devices such as phones and laptops, will not only mean the owner has lost the money they paid for the product, but also the valuable information, personal details, and memories that were stored on the device.

Dave Everitt, the General Manager at Absolute Software, has commented on the security risks of having multiple mobile devices, "our research has found that the 83 per cent of consumers now own at least three mobile devices, and as more people buy tablet computers, this number will only grow," said Everitt. As Apple, and other companies, make their products more desirable, and in the case of the original iPad, which Apple yesterday reduced the price of to start at £329 (US$399), more affordable, consumers are becoming more inclined to purchase an additional mobile device.

