Hello everyone, first off I want to say thanks for your many helpful advices over the years. However this is my first time posting. Now I have a major problem I need your help with. My computer was just taken over by the thinkpoint virus. It just popped up out over nowhere and started "scanning" even though I tried closing it, this was last night. It then proceeded to restart my computer but once the computer boots up pastthe windows logo instead of opening with the icons on the desktop the only thing on the screen is a Thinkpoint window with it's logo and the words "safe startup" on a highlighted tab. So I'm not able to access my computer at all. I tried to start the computer in safe mode through the F8 function hoping to get around it to run an antivirus but I get the same result. Please HELP me I need to use my laptop but sure can't afford a technician right now.
Please keep in mind that any attempt at fixing this cannot be done through the Internet or downloads because I can get use the computer at all. Thanks in advance.