Yahoo started rolling out several major changes to its search engine last night with the goal of helping people more quickly find and interact with all the information they need in a single place.

Using the search engine's new "intelligent shortcuts," you can search for popular movies, celebrities, and other topical items, and Yahoo will deliver the latest articles, photos, videos, event listings, and Twitter tweets on your chosen topic. If Yahoo knows your location, it can also display the closest listings for movies and concerts. The various search results are organized by type all in one spot at the top of the page, letting you easily tab back and forth between photos, videos, tweets, and other areas.

A search for Lady Gaga, for example, conjures up a list of nearby concert appearances, the tracks of her last few albums, and tweets from the lady herself. The search results are also interactive, so you can play sample songs, view videos, and even buy tickets to the next Lady Gaga concert through a Yahoo partner.

